
Carolina Martins — Assistant Producer

PhD candidate in the Doctoral Programme of Materialities of Literature (University of Coimbra) with a thesis called “Augmented Reading: spatial combinations in graphic narratives installations”. She is also a cultural producer. You can find out more about her work at

Ba Communication and Journalism Students Volunteers — Technical Support

Bianca Gregório
Clarisse Verdade
Marco Freitas
Maria Nunes
Mariana Ferreira
Marta Garcia
Nuno Martins
Sofia Magalhães

Live blogging and Social Media — Chloe Randall

Chloe has recently completed a degree in Multimedia Journalism at Bournemouth University and was deputy editor for the Student Union magazine, Nerve during her final year. Throughout her degree Chloe has taken every opportunity to gain valuable journalistic experience, including completing a placement year at Bang Media, an entertainment news agency in London which she thoroughly enjoyed.
