The second panel of the conference was entitled “Business Models.” This panel consisted of three speakers; Mary Hogarth, Boris Krywicki and Heather Lamb.
Mary’s presentation focused around sustainability in specialist publishing through comparing both a British and an American writing magazine. This research was conducted using semi-structured interviews with the editors of Writing Magazine and Writer’s Digest. It was found that Writer’s Digest has a much higher proposition across its provision and a significantly more engaged audience. In addition, in terms of brand ethos, Writer’s Digest’s USP is more authoritative and innovative.
Boris’ research analysed all the editorials by Ivan Gaudé, publishing director of Presse Non Stop, that dealt with the Presstalis crisis. This was done in order to determine the Reader Model built and to inventory how these editorials insist on the dependence of Canard PC on its readers. It was concluded that the Presstalis saga seems to be set to continue well into the future.
The final panellist for this discussion was Heather Lamb, who explored the factors that help to drive digital success for magazines. It is essential that magazines have an ability to innovate. Heather discussed the three factors which are key to digital success; people, structure and brand. It was also concluded that behind the screens, for a magazine to be successful on a digital scale, it is important to find the right people who will support a culture of teamwork and collaborate.
Boris Krywicki Heather Lamb Mary Hogarth